Happy 8th Anniversary to Us!

I spent most of the day taking care of two sick kids. (Jude has RSV and Addy has a cold, but both are getting better). So, we didn’t get the date we had wanted for our anniversary. I was disappointed & to be honest, I was a total grump about it. Then God gave me a good slap & reminded me of all that I DID get.

1. This morning, I got to hear Addy run in the room yelling “Daddy!” because she was so excited to see Nick.

2. I got to watch The Sound of Music with Addy and see her dance & sing with the Von Trapp kids. Then she whooped me in a game of Uno Moo.

3. I got to watch Nick read a bedtime story and our nightly devotion with both kids in Addy’s new tent and hear him pray and sing with them.

4. I got to see Nick make Jude laugh one of his first laughs.

I say these things not to portray that we have the perfect family with no struggles. 2015 was an incredibly tough year- the loss of two grandfathers, two miscarriages, almost losing Jude, (birth story & update on him to come!) and Addy’s surgery. Also, we lost a car, our air conditioning, refrigerator, and have had some other private family storms.

I say these things because today as I reflected on the past year, God reminded me of the commitment that Nick and I made to each other 8 years ago- we vowed to love each other in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer and for better or worse. I vowed to allow my husband to be the spiritual leader of our family and we committed to raise our children in a godly home, pointing our kids to Jesus. On January 5, 2008, fulfilling those commitments was something we could only dream about. But today, I was able to celebrate my anniversary in the best possible way. I watched my family- the family that began 8 years ago.   

4 thoughts on “Happy 8th Anniversary to Us!

  1. Beauty for ashes.  Happy anniversary!

    Sent from AT&T Mail on Android

    From:”Sandy Pearls” Date:Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 9:18 PM Subject:[New post] Happy 8th Anniversary to Us!

    sandypearls posted: “I spent most of the day taking care of two sick kids. (Jude has RSV and Addy has a cold). So, we didn’t get the date we had wanted for our anniversary. I was disappointed & to be honest, I was a total grump about it. Then God gave me a good slap and r”


  2. This is a great post. Y’all are so precious to us, Julie. We have enjoyed watching “the boys” grow up (Eli was about three when we joined Harp’s) and seeing the men they have been becoming. They all picked wonderful wives and, as you have expressed, are leading their homes in a way that consistently points to Jesus, our need for Him, and the work He wants to do in each of us. I pray for y’all on an ongoing basis (showed my prayer alarm to David a week or so ago). While it’s nice to celebrate on “the day,” I’ve found that being open to celebrating an occasion on a different day is working so well for us as our children get married and spread their wings in other ways, too. We’ve had a lot of “different day” celebrations over the last few years, this one particularly, and we just enjoy them as they come. We love you. Praying the children will be well soon, so y’all can have that date. ❤


  3. He never promised us a rose garden..but He did promise to always be there with us,thru it all…and that He does.some days are like that,you are making memories that one day,way down the line,you will remember and thank God for!! God loves Ya’ll and so do I.Your family is in my prayers.God is always there,talk to him, all day long…He is there..He is listening…


  4. HAPPY 8th ANNIVERSARY…and many,many more! You and Nick are the most loving ,God fearing couple and parents I have seen …The Work you do for God,and the life you live for God is amazing….GOD BLESS YOU BOTH…


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